Receive Care

Jesus faithfully cares for His people and on a practical level much of that care comes through the church and its members. We want to be a church family where we support and care for one another through the challenges of life. 

Prayer Requests

Are you experiencing a major life challenge such as a significant illness, passing away of a loved one, divorce, or a similar situation? Please let us know so we can explore how to support you. 

Life Challenges 

Are you experiencing a major life challenge such as a significant illness, passing away of a loved one, divorce, or a similar situation? Please let us know so we can explore how to support you. 

Practical Support

Are you in need of practical support and help with finances, food, housing, or other needs? Please help us understand your situation so we can connect you with resources that may be helpful. 

Let us know how we can serve you by clicking here.