Our leadership cohort exists to help you learn to lead, Bible in hand, wherever the Lord has placed you

What the cohort is…

  • Cohort Based

    We gather in groups of men or women once a month for 9 months. Building relationships and a leadership community is a key part of what makes this special.

  • Theologically Rooted

    Our cohorts aim to help leaders put down deep roots in the Word of God and in sound theology. We believe that all our ministry and leadership must flow not from pragmatics or what’s popular but what the Lord says.

  • Intensely Practical

    We want to help equip leaders in the home, business, church, school, city, and beyond. We’ll aim to help you see connections between the word of God and your own context for ministry


Find answers here or reach out to Becky Gayle at becky@crossofgrace.net

  • This is for anyone who is currently leading or aspires to be a leader. This is currently limited to members of Cross of Grace Church.

  • Yes! Our church believes God's design for men and women affirms that both men and women are equal in value but distinct in function. Within these God-designed roles in the home and church we want to equip men and women to lead faithfully and well. Men and women are in separate cohorts and some of the material is specifically tailored to equip them to live God's design well.

  • Men who desire pastoral ministry are welcomed to start their exploration here and begin to be equipped for ministry. This is a great context for getting to know our pastors and allowing them to get to know you and help guide you.

  • The cohort will run from September to June and meet once a month. Each meeting will last approximately 90 minutes.

  • Each month students will complete the following:

    • Required Bible reading chapters

    • Required work on one specific text, determining main point and structure 

    • Lead overview of Bible book or section (1-2x/year) 

    At the end of the year students will complete a teaching outline in which they study and prepare a Bible teaching giving an overview of a section of the Bible. 

  • All students wil need to register for a required online course. The cost for the course is $24.

Register for the Cohort

While we can’t guarantee a spot for every person who applies we will try to equip as many each year as possible. Let us know you’re interested and we’ll get you the information you need.