Community Groups

"And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved." (Acts 2:42-47) 

From the beginning Christians gathered in smaller groups to fellowship, to study the word, to share life, and to follow Christ together. Community Groups are how we seek to follow the biblical pattern of not only larger gatherings on the weekend, but also smaller gatherings throughout the week. We believe church is meant to be a family and that Community Groups are the primary place we live out this value of family. 

What will a typical Community Group look like?

  • Bible StudiesGod meets us where we are with His everlasting truth when we open the Bible. Together we can read God’s Word, learn to understand it and hold each other accountable to live it out. 

  • Prayer - The opportunity to pray as a group increases our fellowship with one another. When we pray together in a group, we are inviting others to participate in our weakness, pain, joy, and desire to serve God.

  • Fellowship - The Christian life is difficult to live out on just Sunday mornings. Gatherings throughout the week create space for teaching, encouraging, and presenting our needs to God and others. 

  • DiscipleshipWe believe that the local church is God’s plan A, and there’s no plan B for how He’s going about His mission in the world. We want to encourage and train others to serve God and His people with the gifts they have been given.

New to Cross of Grace?

If you are new to Cross of Grace and want to understand more about what it means to do life together with other Christians, we recommend joining the Welcome Home Group! This is a great opportunity to understand what it means to do life together with other Christians. It meets twice a month on Sundays at the church following the second service.

In the Welcome Home Group, you'll have an opportunity to make new connections, open the Bible while opening your life with others, pray for others and be prayed for, and enjoy some delicious food! We look forward to seeing you there!

Sign up for the Welcome Home Group here!

Looking to get connected to a Community Group in your area?

The Christian life is a together life. Our groups meet at homes throughout the week and around the city for fellowship, discussions on the preached Word, prayer, and caring for one another's needs. Sign up and find a group in your area below!

Sign up for a Community Group here!

Have additional questions? Contact Alec Shofeitt at