28 Pages of Holy Spirit Power

A few years ago one of our pastors, Joe Alcantar Jr., put together a list of Scripture references with comments to help us as a pastoral team better understand appreciate the role of the Holy Spirit in the church.

It’s 28 pages of Holy Spirit beauty and power. Mostly, it’s simply collected references to the Spirit but it also has some helpful comments on how they fit together in the whole of Scripture.

This isn’t an academic paper, rather the fruit of one pastor’s study with key references. Reading through this served to encourage our hearts and give us boldness as we pursue the mission God has given us. It’s our prayer this could do the same for you.

Read it all at once to get the full cumulative force, or work through it section by section devotionally. It will bless and encourage you.

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Evidence for the Resurrection


Resources on the Holy Spirit for Busy People