How should I prepare for Resurrection Sunday?

The week leading up to Easter is a great way to join Christians all over the world in a focused remembering of the life, death, and resurrection of Christ. These are a couple practices that I’ve found helpful in following the Apostle Paul’s lead in “resolv[ing] to know nothing but Christ and him crucified” during this week that I would encourage us to do:

1. Read the accounts of the events leading up to the Resurrection from each of the gospels. Start in Luke 19, Matthew 26, Mark 11, and John 13 and read through the resurrection account.

2. Pray that the Lord would continue to draw people to himself this week, and every other!

3. Listen to music that helps stir our affections for Christ as we are reading and praying. (check out our Good Friday and Easter Playlists)

4. Get together with other believers and reflect on the mercy and grace shown by Christ through his sacrifice.

5. Anticipate and participate in a great celebration on Easter Sunday!

- Jon Vogan

P.S. Get more details for Good Friday and Easter Sunday services here.


Always Better News Book Interview


Praying for Easter