Pride Comes Before Cosmic Madness
Series: And He Shall Reign: The Book of Daniel
Title: Pride Comes Before Cosmic Madness
Passage: Daniel 4
Speaker: Ricky Alcantar
Sermon Summary: The central theme in this sermon on Daniel 4 is encapsulated in the phrase "Heaven rules," which signifies God's sovereignty over all earthly kingdoms. In this unique passage of Scripture narrated by Nebuchadnezzar, despite his power and wealth, the king faces a divine interruption that humbles him and reveals the truth that he is not the sovereign ruler of the universe but rather a creature under God's authority. The sermon highlights the dangers of pride, which lead to cosmic madness, harm to others, and eventual downfall. Pastor encourages listeners to reflect on their own lives, recognizing signs of pride and the importance of repentance. The sermon concludes with underscoring God's kindness to all who are proud and arrogant, ultimately pointing towards the redemptive work of Jesus as the true King who humbles Himself for our sake.
Sermon Transcript - Unedited transcript provided for personal use. There may be small errors or missed phrases.